Changes to Annual "Laurie Young Stevens and Friends" Performance
Danny Johnson

Oh my gosh, it’s February.
We’ve been preparing for our two concerts this month and now they are really upon us. Here’s a little extra info about the first of the two.
This weekend is the annual (since 2006) concert by “Laurie Young Stevens and Friends” (aka Fleurs-de LYS) with guest stars from Europe and the US. This year’s guests include German violin virtuoso Henning Vater, founder of the Göttingen Baroque Orchestra, and Dutch recorder maestro Paul Leenhouts, now director of Early Music Studies at University of North Texas in Denton.
We are very sad to announce that, due to an injury, Laurie Young Stevens will not be able to perform this weekend. She’s following doctor’s orders and giving it time to heal, but she will be at the concerts as chief MC. In her stead, prize-winning violin and viola player Veronika Vassileva, from Bulgaria and Germany will be our third special guest artist.
Austin’s stellar Jenifer Thyssen, soprano, heads up the cast of the remaining ensemble members, who come from around the US.
If you were at the concert in 2010, you might remember the encore. There’s a *chance* you could hear it again this weekend. (Here’s a hint for those who weren’t there: coming to our concert on Friday night won’t completely deprive you of hearing music by Andrea Bocelli.)
‣ Friday, February 10, 8PM, St. Mary Cathedral
‣ Sunday, February 12, 3PM, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
Friday night parking at St Mary’s: concert patrons will be able to park in the garage immediately to the south of St Mary Cathedral. Access to the garage is from San Jacinto St. Concert patrons can exit the garage for free between 9:45-10:30. After 10:30, please see Daniel Johnson for tokens.
For this & other TEMP performances
‣ purchase online
‣ by phone (512) 377-6961
‣ or at the door.
See you there!
See for more concert info.
More (very) soon about our second February concert!