TEMP 2017-2018 Season
TEMP 2017-2018 Season at a glance
Time Pieces: A Journey Through musical memories
Our 2017-2018 Season ventures forth into times past, both real and imagined, and features an entirely original imaginative theatrical concert by TEMP, It's About Time: Companions, with music from Past and Present.
Paris City Limits, Part Deux
Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 7PM, with pre-concert lecture at 6PM
St. Martin's Lutheran Church, 606 West 15th Street
Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 3PM, with pre-concert lecture at 2PM
First Presbyterian Church, 8001 Mesa Drive
TEMP revisits Paris and environs to explore more of the popular music from the mid-16th century: exciting dances, dazzling chansons, and genuine songs of love and melancholy by the masters and by some relative unknowns. More Janequin! With guests Mary Springfels (viola da gamba), Peter Maund (percussion), and Ryland Angel (countertenor).
Read the Director's Blog for more concert details.
Enjoy audio samples from our related CD, Paris City Limits.
Download the Paris City Limits, Part Deux program notes.
24 Italian Hits: Arias & Art Songs
Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 7PM
Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 2111 Alexander Avenue
Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 3PM
First Presbyterian Church, 8001 Mesa Drive
For over a century, the famous volume 24 Italian Art Songs and Arias has introduced millions of young singers to Italian music and has been a staple of solo & ensemble contests around the nation. In the same manner as TEMP’s educational outreach program to Austin-area schools, our concert presents an authentic performance from this enduring and beautiful vocal literature. With six of TEMP’s finest soloists and a small continuo group.
Download the 24 Italian Hits program notes.
An Early Christmas
Friday, December 8, 2017 at 7PM
First English Lutheran Church, 3001 Whitis Avenue
Saturday December 9, 2017 at 7PM
First English Lutheran Church, 3001 Whitis Avenue
Sunday, December 10, 2017 at 3PM
First Presbyterian Church, 8001 Mesa Drive
We explore the intangible essence of Christmas with beautiful and joyful carols, motets, dances, and traditional songs from France, Germany, the British Isles, and more with innovative arrangements for solo voices, small chorus, harp, violin, flute, mandolin, viols, and lutes.With harpists Therese Honey & Elaine Barber.
Read the Director's Blog for concert details.
Enjoy audio samples from our related CDs: Gaudete, Noël, Swete was the Songe, and Stella splendens.
Download the program notes for An Early Christmas.
It's About Time: Companions
Saturday, February 10, 2018 at 7PM
University Presbyterian Church, 2203 San Antonio Street
Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3PM
University Presbyterian Church, 2203 San Antonio Street
Expect the unexpected as we explore the musical and theatrical dreamscape of a young girl in different times and places in history. TEMP does its duty in Keeping Austin Weird when seeming incongruities reveal surprising connections that will appeal to music lovers and Austin’s culturally diverse population. With guests Ryland Angel (countertenor & tenor), Peter Walker (baritone), multi-instrumentalist Spiff Wiegand (New York), and more!
Read the Director's Blog for more concert details.
Download the It's About Time program notes.
Complaints Through the Ages
Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 7PM
Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 2111 Alexander Avenue
Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 3PM
First Presbyterian Church, 8001 Mesa Drive
“I am, therefore I complain.” Humans have always had things to complain about, ranging from life-threatening, quality-of-life issues to conjured or superficial annoyances that simply don’t fit into the notion of what a good day should hold. Our musical exploration will portray the timelessness of humanity’s grumping from medieval times to the present day. With guests Mary Springfels (viola da gamba), Ryland Angel (countertenor), and more!
Read the Director's Blog for more details.
Download the Complaints Through the Ages program notes.
The Original Carmina Burana: Unplugged & Organic
Saturday, May 12, 2018 at 7PM, with pre-concert lecture at 6:30PM
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, 8134 Mesa Drive
Sunday, May 13, 2018 at 3PM, with pre-concert lecture at 2:30PM
First Presbyterian Church, 8001 Mesa Drive
Back by popular demand, we again present unabashedly joyful and passionate songs about love, spring, dancing, love,drinking…love!…philosophy, and mythology from the 13th-century Carmina Burana manuscript. Rated PG-13. With guests Mary Springfels (viola da gamba), Peter Maund (percussion), and Ryland Angel (countertenor).
Don't miss the pre-concert lecture by KMFA's Sara Schneider 30 minutes before each concert!
Download the Original Carmina Burana program notes.