2019-2020 Season
TEMP 2019-2020 Season
Love’s illusion: Virtual Edition
Thank you, TEMP fans, for being patient and for giving us the opportunity to figure out how best to return to what we love most. We are happy to announce that TEMP will return from its pause after the onset of Covid-19 to present pre-recorded videos of the concerts that were to take place in March and May. Please see those concert listings below.
Although we have been offering our specialized Musical Tacos as a freebie every Tuesday since April, we will be selling tickets to our video concerts for the foreseeable future in order to help pay our professional performers, our audio and video editors, and others. The prices are lower than the ticket prices for our live concerts, of course, and there is a sliding scale to help with a variety of economic situations. As TEMP needs to stay financially viable so we can bring music to you and employment to our performers, as well as address our charter, we hope that you agree that these kinds of artistic endeavors are worth the price of admission and more.
Subscribers to the 2019-2020 Season and those who purchased individual tickets to the March and May concerts will receive an email about your tickets; you will not need to purchase tickets to view the concert videos.
Individual tickets may be purchased by clicking/tapping on the button below each concert description as they become available. We will be offering sliding-scale payment options for these virtual events:
• $5 Student/Supporter
• $15 Fan
• $25 Friend
• $50 Patron
The general admission price is the Fan category, $15. If you're struggling due to the Coronavirus situation, take advantage of our lower-priced Student/Supporter offer. If you’re able to pay a little more, and can help someone else pay less, please do so with the Friend and Patron prices.
We hope you will enjoy our virtual concert events! The benefit: No need to worry about traffic and parking! You will be able to enjoy these concerts in the comfort of your own home—even with snacks if you so desire.
Please join us as we reconnect with you through the magic of music.
Ongoing Taco Tuesday Audio Treats
Join us for delicious audio treats every Tuesday!
Previous 2019-2020 Concerts
TEMP 2019-2020 Season
Love’s illusion
Individual tickets may be purchased by clicking/tapping on the buttons below each concert description. Tickets will also be available at the venues, payable with cash, check, or credit card: $30 general admission, $25 senior (60+), and $5 student with ID.
*Preferred seating is held until five minutes before the scheduled concert start time and thereafter may no longer be available. If you arrive after the published start time for a concert,
preferred seating may not be available.
Sponsor a concert for other special perks! Learn more by clicking the button below.
Oh, Henry! The World According to Purcell
Saturday, Sept. 21, 7:30 PM
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
2111 Alexander Ave.
Sunday, Sept. 22, 3:00 PM
St. Martin's Lutheran Church
606 W 15th Street
Henry Purcell was one of the greatest English composers before Ralph Vaughn Williams in the 20th century. We celebrate him with works written for the church, the stage, and the court. Special guests include Peter Walker (baritone) and Ryland Angel (countertenor).
Read the full concert description on the Director's Blog!
Praising the Beloved:
The Song of Songs
Saturday, Oct. 19, 7:30 PM
St. John's United Methodist
2140 Allandale Road
Sunday, Oct. 20, 3:00 PM
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
8134 Mesa Drive
The Song of Songs or Song of Solomon from the Hebrew Bible provided the texts for many of the most polished, sensual, and beautiful compositions by the master composers of the Renaissance and early Baroque. TEMP performs them with a small vocal ensemble and a consort of viols. Special Guest: Mary Springfels (viola da gamba).
Read the full concert description on the Director's Blog!
An Early Christmas
Friday, Dec. 13, 7:30 PM
St. John's United Methodist
2140 Allandale Road
Saturday, Dec. 14, 7:30 PM
First English Lutheran Church
3001 Whitis Avenue
Sunday, Dec. 15, 3:00 PM
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
8134 Mesa Drive
We explore the intangible essence of Christmas as TEMP puts its unique stamp on beautiful and joyful carols, motets, dances, and traditional songs. Special Guests include Therese Honey (harps) and Ryland Angel (countertenor).
Read the full concert description on the Director's Blog!
Enjoy audio samples from our related CDs: In dulci jubilo, Gaudete, Noël, Swete was the Songe, and Stella splendens.
Tickets for Sunday's concert are selling fast. Guarantee your seat by purchasing your tickets in advance!
She Loves and She Confesses: Love Songs from the Baroque
Saturday, Feb. 22, 7:30 PM
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
2111 Alexander Ave.
Sunday, Feb. 23, 3:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church
8001 Mesa Drive
Beautiful, often bittersweet love songs from the 17th century in Italy (Strozzi, Sances, Rossi), France (airs de cour by Guédron & Moulinié), and England (Johnson & Lanier). Special guests include Ryland Angel (countertenor) and Donald Livingston (harpsichord).
Read the full concert description on the Director's Blog!
Ah, Sweet Lady: Passion in Medieval France
Saturday, March 28, 7:30 PM
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
8134 Mesa Drive
Sunday, March 29, 3:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church,
8001 Mesa Drive
The music from the 12th through the 14th centuries in France takes us back to days of yore with knights, monks, and poets. Songs of unrequited love and daily challenges are a natural reflection of the society at that time. Special guests include Ryland Angel (tenor & countertenor), Peter Walker (bass & Medieval bagpipes), percussionist Peter Maund, and vielle master Mary Springfels.
Due to federal, state, and local recommendations, This program will be rescheduled for sometime in the summer. Please see our newsletter, “TEMP’s March 28-29 Concert is Postponed,” on our Newsletter Archives page.
The Student Becomes the Master: Monteverdi & Cavalli in Venice
Saturday, May 9, 7:30 PM
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
2111 Alexander Ave.
Sunday, May 10, 3:00 PM
St. Martin's Lutheran Church
606 W 15th Street
Claudio Monteverdi and his student, Francesco Cavalli, created musical wonders in the 17th century with ravishing works for soloists, choir, and orchestra for the court, the opera, and the cathedral.
Ah, Sweet Lady: Passion in Medieval France,
A Video Premiere
Premiere for subscribers and prior ticket holders:
Thursday, Sept. 10, 7:30 PM
Premiere for the general public:
Saturday, Sept. 12, 7:30 PM
Enjoy the trailer on our Gallery Page!
TEMP returns from its pause after the onset of Covid-19 to present a newly recorded video featuring music from the 13th–14th centuries in France. This music takes us back to days of yore with knights, monks, and poets, with songs of unrequited love, daily trials, melancholy, exuberance, and even blissful love.
Early Music Now Host and Producer, Sara Schneider, will also present a personally crafted lecture during the video, interspersed between sets of music. The video will also contain art from the 14th and 15th centuries and evocative photography.
Instructions to access the video will be delivered upon ticket purchase via confirmation and ticket emails. The video will be viewable until Thursday, Sept. 17, at 11:00 PM. TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BY 9:30 PM ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 17.
Read the full concert description on the Director's Blog!
Enjoy the video trailer on the Gallery Page!
The Student Becomes the Master: Monteverdi & Cavalli in Venice,
A Video Premiere
Premiere for subscribers and prior ticket holders:
Friday, November 13, 8:00 PM
Premiere for the general public:
Saturday, November 14, 7:30 PM
Enjoy the trailer on our Gallery Page!
Claudio Monteverdi and his student, Francesco Cavalli, created musical wonders in the 17th century with ravishing works for soloists, duets, and small ensembles from their operas and songs from the 1640s and 1650s.
KMFA and Early Music Now Host and Producer, Sara Schneider, will also present a personally crafted lecture during the video, interspersed between sets of music. The video will also contain art from the period and evocative photography. And humor. Please join us for this final concert video of our 2019-2020 Season, Love’s Illusion.
Instructions to access the video will be delivered via confirmation and ticket emails. The video will be viewable until Thursday, November 19, at 11:00 pm. TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BY 9:30 PM ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19.
Read the full concert description on the Director's Blog!
Enjoy the video trailer on the Gallery Page!
*Preferred seating is held until five minutes before the scheduled concert start time and thereafter may no longer be available.