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Texas Early Music Project

PO Box 301675

Austin, TX 78703

(512) 377-6961

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PO Box 301675
Austin, TX 78703
United States

(512) 377-6961

Founded in 1987 by Daniel Johnson, the Texas Early Music Project is dedicated to preserving and advancing the art of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical music through performance, recordings, and educational outreach. 

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Explore more than 700 years of musical transformation

Filtering by Tag: Alegría: The Spanish Renaissance

Read All of This! School has started!

Danny Johnson

There's gonna be a pop quiz on it all!


August, you are the cruelest month, are you not? On the other hand, we know straight away what you're going to bring us, so maybe that's the wrong adjective. Anyway, during August we performed for the Public Radio Content Conference and brought them some live medieval music to get their day off to a good start—and to celebrate KMFA's Sara Schneider: her Ancient Voices/Early Music Now program has gone national, with several stations broadcasting her excellent program! Congrats, Sara!

And the 20 for 20 Campaign is still percolating along: Thanks for the support!

And now it's finally September! I can almost smell the pumpkin stout, pumpkin soup, pumpkin pancakes...right? Any day now! It's all just around the corner! No more weeks on end of 100°F+, right!?!?!? Cool days, cooler nights, amiright? Please say yes...

Maestro Daniel Johnson explains ensaladas, pieces that are featured on our Alegría: The Spanish Renaissance program. See more videos on our Gallery page!


Ok, I might live in dreamlandia, but we'll finally have a concert in a few weeks to kick off the 20th Season Anniversary, and it's one of my favorite themes, topped by the incredible ensaladas by Mateo Flecha. These are little epics,  illustrated with music in many different styles to fit the different texts; Señor Flecha knew what he was doing. La Justa (The Joust) is new to us and maybe to you! It tells the story of a tournament—a joust between good and evil, the light and the dark. You'll have to come to the concert to find out if that means Gandalf vs. Sauron, or Dumbledore vs. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, or maybe some other featured jousters! And there is much alegría throughout the concert!

Enjoy these audio teasers from our 2013 performances:

Ensalada: El fuego (excerpt) - Mateo Flecha, c.1481–1553
TEMP Alegría, 2013
Un sarao de la chacona: A la vida bona, part 2 - Juan Arañés, c.1580–c.1650
TEMP Alegría, 2013

Voldemort! There. I said it!


Alegría: The Spanish Renaissance

Saturday, September 22, 2018, at  7:30 pm
Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 2111 Alexander Avenue, Austin, TX

Sunday, September 23, 2018, 3:00 pm,
St. Martin's Lutheran Church, 606 West 15th Street, Austin, TX

Admission $30 general; $25 seniors (60+); $5 students (at the door only)
Tickets available in advance online or by cash, check, or credit card at the door.

For more information, call 512-377-6961 and leave a message,
or email

Seriously? There are ensaladas on this concert?!?
Usually, if you want an ensalada, you go to a restaurant, not a concert, AMIRIGHT?

Not so fast, my friend! These ensaladas are a treat for the ears and the spirit, but have nothing to do with the delectable edible! Like most salads, they are created from a little of this and little of that, but that’s where the similarity ends. Filled with drama, Biblical quotations, exhortations, lovely melodies, and lots of humor, the ensaladas are toe-tappers from beginning to end! They were extraordinarily popular in many of the Cathedrals of Renaissance Spain—and were even banned in a few!

For a more solemn contrast, our program will explore some of the glorious wealth of polyphonic sacred music from the cathedrals and monasteries of 16th-century Spain, a repertoire that has served as inspiration for fans of choral music everywhere, with selections by Morales, Ceballos, and Peñalosa.

Other pieces in the concert feature the viol consort, led by our guest artist and viola da gamba star Wendy Gillespie, guest percussionist Peter Maund, and 3 sackbut (early trombone) players, led by University of Texas trombone faculty member Nathaniel Brickens.

Soloists and featured singers include Jenifer Thyssen, Gitanjali Mathur, Laura Mercado-Wright, Cayla Cardiff, Jeffrey Jones Ragona, David Lopez, Tim O’Brien, and featured countertenor, Ryland Angel.


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