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Texas Early Music Project

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(512) 377-6961

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PO Box 301675
Austin, TX 78703
United States

(512) 377-6961

Founded in 1987 by Daniel Johnson, the Texas Early Music Project is dedicated to preserving and advancing the art of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical music through performance, recordings, and educational outreach. 

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Filtering by Category: Taco Tuesdays

Taco Tuesday #107: Fish and Chips Tacos

Danny Johnson

Welp, I was gonna remark about how great Fall is, but since we are currently in 4th Summer, I might want to wait a bit longer, lest I jinx the onset of true Fall. If you’re like me, and I know I am, I know you wouldn’t want that to happen. Nevertheless, we will endure the heat and start making this musical Taco that’s a little bit overdue, sorry.

Since we just finished a quite fun season-opening Paris City Limits concert, let’s go back to last year’s season opener, which was, appropriately enough, London City Limits! It was great fun, too! We will re-visit this concert for this Taco and the next one, as well. 

London City Limits: Town & Country

October 7 & 8, 2023

We began our 2023-2024 season of concerts with this lively celebration of music in England during the time frame of about 1580–1680; this is music of the people, a little bit from the courts and cathedrals, and definitely music of the pubs. We will begin this Taco with two ballads and will end with a light-hearted canzonette for 2 voices. (This last piece has personal significance: I remember singing it as a Junior in the Texas Tech U. Collegium Musicum and for a long time after that!)

Our two ballads reveal both the musical humor and the political life of the times. Early ballads were dramatic or humorous narrative songs derived from folk culture that predated printing. Originally spread via oral tradition, many ballads survive because they were printed on broadsides. (A broadside or broadsheet is a single sheet of inexpensive paper printed on one side, often including a ballad, rhyme, news, and sometimes woodcut illustrations.) Musical notation was rarely printed, since tunes were usually established favorites, such as Greensleeves or Packington’s Pound. The term ballad eventually applied more broadly to any kind of topical or popular verse.

A SATYR on the Times: Fools and Mad-men 🙞 Anonymous, based on Greensleeves, 
arr. D. Johnson
Wit and Mirth: or Pills to Purge Melancholy, ed. Thomas d’Urfey
London: W. Pearson for J. Tonson, 1719/1720, vol. VI, p. 229
Cristian Cantu & Jeffrey Jones-Ragona, soloists

Our first offering is a satire on various figures of the English populace; there are many, many verses, so I picked some of the ones most relatable to current audiences. You might recognize the basic melody (The Praise of HULL Ale) as being a variant of Greensleeves, and I added two more levels of Greensleeves-love in our instrumental sections. I created variations on dances by John Playford (1623–c. 1687) and William Cobbold (1560–1639).

A World that’s full of Fools and Mad-men,
Of over-glad, and over-sad Men,
With a few good, but many bad Men,
Which no Body can deny.

Many Lawyers that undo ye,
But few Friends who will stick to ye,
And other Ills that do pursue ye,
Which no Body can deny.

So many of Religious Sect,
Who quite do mis-expound the Text,
About ye know not what perplext,
Which no Body can deny.

Many Diseases that do fill ye,
Many Doctors that do kill ye,
Few Physicians that do heal ye,
Which no Body can deny.

And if they will not take Offence,
Many great Men of little Sense,
Who yet to Politicks make Pretence,
Which no Body can deny.

A World compos’d, ’tis strange to tell,
Of seeming Paradise, yet real Hell,
Yet all agree to lov’t too well,
Which no Body can deny.

The Cloak’s Knavery. To the Tune of  Packington’s Pound. 🙞 Roxburghe Collection of Ballads, 1660?; arr. D. Johnson;
British Library, EBBA 30194, C.20.f.9.394, p. 3.394
Ryland Angel & Jenifer Thyssen, soloists

The second ballad is a little trickier. The melody, Packington’s Pound, was already in vogue during the reign of Elizabeth, and it was applied to countless other ballads with myriad themes. The Cloak’s Knavery is thought to be an attack on the Covenant Movement and the Protestant Succession, written by someone with strong Catholic sympathies. The image of the black cloak that dominates the ballad most likely symbolizes religious ritual and there are also references to the ending of Common Prayers, which Charles I had introduced in 1637. The references to the plundering of churches also supports the interpretation that the ballad is a protest against the dominance of Protestantism and was written sometime around 1650. Again, there are many verses in the original; I moved some around and picked several of the verses that would be most easily relatable. 

Come buy my new Ballad, I have’t in my Wallet,
But ’twill not, I fear, please every Palate:
Then mark what ensu’th, for I swear by my Youth,
That every Line in my Ballad is Truth:
A Ballad of Wit, a brave Ballad of Worth,
’Tis newly Printed and newly come Forth.
’Twas made of a Cloak that fell out with the Gown,
That cramp’d all the Kingdom, and crippl’d the Crown.

I’ll tell you in Brief a Story of Grief,
That happen’d when Cloak was Commander in Chief:
It tore Common-Pray’rs, imprison’d Lord Mayors,
In one Day it voted down Prelates and Play’rs:
It brought in lay Elders could not Write nor Read,
It set publick Faith up, but pull’d down the Creed;
Then let us endeavour to pull the Cloak down,
That cramp’d all the
Kingdom, and crippl’d the Crown.

This Pious Imposter such Fury did Foster,
It left us no Penny nor no Pater Noster;
To Father and Mother, to Sister and Brother,
It gave a Commission to Kill one another:
It routed the King and Villains Elected,
To plunder all those whom they thought Disaffected:
Then let us endeavour to pull the Cloak down,
That cramp’d all the
Kingdom, and crippl’d the Crown.

This Cloak did proceed to a Damnable Deed,
It made the best Mirrour of Majesty bleed:
Tho’ Cloak did not do’t, It set it on Foot,
By rallying and calling his Journey Men to’t:
For never had come such a bloody Disaster,
If Cloak had not first drawn a Sword at his Master:
Then let us endeavour to pull the Cloak down,
That cramp’d all the
Kingdom, and crippl’d the Crown.

Though some of ’em went hence, by sorrowful Sentence,
This lofty long Cloak is not mov’d to Repentance;
But he and his Men, Twenty Thousand times Ten,
Are Plotting to do their Tricks over again:
But let this proud Cloak to Authority stoop,
Or Catch will provide him a Button and Loop,
hen let us endeavour to pull the Cloak down,
That cramp’d all the
Kingdom, and crippl’d the Crown.
For we’ll ever endeavour to pull the Cloak down,
That cramp’d all the
Kingdom, and crippl’d the Crown.

I Goe before, my darling 🙞 Thomas Morley; The First Booke of Canzonets to Two Voyces, No. 5
London: Thomas Este, 1595
Jenny Houghton & Jenifer Thyssen

Thomas Morley was a driving force in Elizabethan-era music, though often behind the scenes. His arrangements, editing, and promotion of pieces in the Italian style (occurring at the same time as the maturing of his English training) had the utmost influence on the development of the madrigal and created the standard for the other madrigalists. Although he generally eschewed the chromaticism and dramatic word-paintings of other madrigal composers, the beauty, grace, and poetic balance of his madrigals ensure their popularity for audiences and for singers, both professional and amateur. The easy lightness and humor combined with his skillful imitative writing of this duet are prime components of his canzonet style.

I Goe before, my darling,
Follow thou to the bowre in the close alley,
Ther wee will together,
Sweetly kisse each eyther,
And, lyke two wantons,
Dally, dally, dally…

Ah, yes, I remember ‘dallying’ with as much ‘ham’ as I could muster back in the old days; we were trying to convince people that early music wasn’t cold and book’ish. The struggle continues! 

How about you? Might you fancy some ‘dallying’? Join us for our Fall TEMP-Oh on Monday, Nov. 11? We’re putting some pumpkin spice on our madrigals and inviting everyone, from lowly peasants to experienced madrigalians to come to this fun community sing! This time, we’ll be joined by Guest Conductor Cina Crisara, a longtime friend of TEMP and the Conductor of the Austin Opera Chorus! We’re so excited! Suggested $20 donation to attend. RSVP today to reserve your spot!

TEMP-Oh Community Madrigal Sing
Fall Edition
Monday, November 11, 2024
First English Lutheran Church

We will be back in approximately exactly two weeks with a bright, shiny new Taco for you featuring more hits from this very concert! Stay safe, stay sane! 


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Taco Tuesday #106: Medieval French Crêpes

Danny Johnson

It’s been a busy 2 weeks since last we spoke/communicated/fonted. We’ve been finishing up the concert program, getting ready for rehearsals, getting all the travel plans finalized (well ok, they’ve been finalized for a few weeks now) and getting all the things ready for this week’s concert. More about that at the end. 

As promised, we are back with some more Musical Tacos from our Covid-lockdown era concert video with music from Medieval France, and this time we’re featuring the women. Let’s get started! 

Ah, Sweet Lady: Passion in Medieval France

A Video Premiere for the Public
Saturday, September 12, 2020

Montpellier Codex

The Montpellier Codex contains early polyphonic works in France and was likely compiled around 1300. While many of the texts deal with some truly tender variations on love themes as well as more jovial ones (“I love B but C loves me and I don’t know what to do, because B loves D who loves C...”), there are others about country kids visiting the big city (Paris) with Medieval versions of the still popular trope.

S’on me regarde /Prennés i garde/ Hé, mi enfant Montpellier Codex, Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de médecine, H. 196, Mo Fasc. 8, No. 325, f. 375v–376v

Triplum: Gitanjali Mathur & Jenifer Thyssen
Motetus: Cayla Cardiff & Shari Alise Wilson
Tenor: Nooshin Wilson & Laura Mercado-Wright

 [In order of performance:]
Take note, if someone looks at me;
I am too daring, so tell me, in the name of God, I beg you.
For when one looks at me, I can hardly wait
For him to have me with him;
And I see another here who is, I believe,
 (May hell fire burn him!) jealous of me.
But I refuse to cease loving on his account,
It doesn’t do him any good to watch me, he’s wasting his time:
I’ll find an escape and have the love of my sweetheart.
I must do it; I will be a coward no longer.

If anyone is looking at me, tell me;
I see well that I am too daring;
I can’t stop my gaze from wandering,
For when a certain one looks at me,
I can hardly wait for him to have me with him
And receive in faith the gift of my love fully.
But here I see another who is, I believe,
(May hell fire burn him!) jealous of me.
But I refuse to cease loving on his account,
For by my faith it doesn’t do him any good to watch me,
He’s wasting his time: I’ll find an escape!

Hé, my child!

Guillaume de Machaut, c. 1300–1377

And now we’re back to the music of Guillaume de Machaut. He was not only a poet of high regard, but also a composer of both musical miniatures and larger works. When I was an undergraduate music student, learning about him was yet another life-changing experience. The New York Pro Musica Antiqua had recently released their album, Ah Sweet Lady: The Romance of Medieval France, with works by Machaut and others, and it was a great way to introduce us to the amazing possibilities of this music. This was another disc (of many) that I listened to so much that I created grooves in the album. (Yes, I apologized to the music librarian!) The title of our concert is a tribute to the New York Pro Musica album. I think that spending so much time with those records as well as singing music by Machaut in the very first Texas Tech University Collegium Musicum concert was when I became hooked on early music. At that time, I didn’t know how long that relationship would last. 

De triste cuer/Quant vrais amans/Certes, je di Ballade 29, Paris, 
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Triplum: Gitanjali Mathur & Jenifer Thyssen
Motetus: Cayla Cardiff & Shari Alise Wilson
Tenor: Nooshin Ghanbari & Laura Mercado-Wright

From a sad heart to compose joyfully, that, I think, is a thing contrary;
But he who composes out of joyous feelings,
I say should compose more joyfully.
And so it is that my songs are rude,
They come from a heart blacker than peat,
Grieving, distressed, weeping tears of blood.

Truly, I say, and in this ask to be judged,
That, when Love oppresses and tortures a heart, 
Because it can receive no comfort
From his lady, noble and of high bearing,
Then the suffering which Alexander wrought on Darius
Is not so great as that which falls on him,
Grieving, distressed, weeping tears of blood.

When a true lover loves lovingly
With such true heart that he can do no wrong,
And his lady has such a heart that he can in no way
Draw from it mercy, sweetness or grace,
His heart cannot be so debonair that its liquor would not run to his eye,
Grieving, distressed, weeping tears of blood.

Se je souspir parfondement Virelai 36/30, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Gitanjali Mathur, soloist
Elaine Barber, harp & Bruce Colson, vielle

If I sigh deeply and tenderly weep in secret, it is, I swear, for you,
When your noble fair body, my lady I do not see.
Your sweet demeanor, simple and modest, your fair carriage, pretty and pleasing, 
Your fearless manner, these three have seized me so sweetly
That to you most lovingly and entirely I give and entrust my heart,
Which far from you has no joy nor pleasure.

If I sigh deeply and tenderly weep in secret, it is, I swear, for you,
When your noble fair body, my lady, I do not see.

Lady, you have put me in such a plight, I clearly see, that, in truth,
I use my senses, time and life for you and always believe in this fortune.
And if I am far from relief and hear very little of mercy
I do not swerve, for such a great honor I do not deserve at all.

If I sigh deeply and tenderly weep in secret, it is, I swear, for you,
When your noble fair body, my lady, I do not see.

Jehan Vaillant, fl. 1360–1390

Par maintes foys Virelai, Bibliothèque du château de Chantilly, MS 564, f. 60
Cayla Cardiff & Shari Alise Wilson, soloists
Elaine Barber, harp ~ Bruce Colson, vielle
Scott Horton, gittern ~ John Walters, vielle

How many times are the skies filled
With the sweet song of the nightingale!
But the cuckoo never joins in;
He prefers to sing enviously.
“Cuckoo, cuckoo” all his life.
He wants his song to bring discord.
So the nightingale cries out:
“I command that you shall be killed.
Slain, slain, killed, killed, fie upon you, fie upon you,
Cuckoo who wants to speak of love.”

“I beg you, my very sweet skylark,
Thus to sing your song:
Lire, lire, liron, as God tells you.”
It’s time for the nightingale’s little song:
“Killed, they’re killed, those who wage war with you.”

“Flock together, bring the goldfinch
And make him and the starling sing out.
Kill the cuckoo and silence him.”
He is taken, let him be killed.
In the lovely springtime
Praise the hawk, our friend, our friend;
And praise the god of love.

Speaking of bird songs, be sure to catch this weekend’s concert and Clément Janequin’s brilliant Le chant des oiseaux, during which you might think you’re in a Renaissance forest! 

We’ve almost reached our goal for our CariCATures fundraising campaign! Can you help us get across the finish line? We have just about $3000 left to meet our $15,000 goal. Thank you so much for your support of early music in Austin and beyond!

We will be back in approximately exactly two weeks with a lovely new Taco for you!

Stay safe, stay sane! 


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Taco Tuesday #105: Tacos from Medieval Frenchmen

Danny Johnson

So, here we go, and it’s about time! The new concert season is upon us, there’s a hope for mostly cooler days and nights, and, if you noticed in my concert blog earlier this week, it’s time for all things pumpkin spice to make a re-entry into our atmosphere! Still looking for the pumpkin spice contact lens solution, though. I’ll let you know when I find it! 

Since our first concert of the season is coming up in 19 days and it’s all about Renaissance France, I thought we should get prepared for Renaissance France by listening to some pieces from Medieval France from a concert that didn’t happen–well, not as planned. It was originally scheduled for the end of March in 2020 and we all recall 2020, right? Since we couldn’t do live concerts, we created our first video concert; it was quite an experience. Everyone had to record their bits alone and then we had to edit all the individual tracks and video into a unified track. Such a learning experience, but we quickly got into the fun of it, and we were so glad to be able to make use of this method so that we could be in touch with our fans (and a lot of new fans) who were stuck at home! 

So today’s Taco will feature the TEMP men; in approximately exactly two weeks, we’ll feature the TEMP women from the same concert. 

Ah, Sweet Lady: Passion in Medieval France

A Video Premiere for the Public
September 12, 2020

Montpellier Codex

The Montpellier Codex contains early polyphonic works in France and was likely compiled around 1300. While many of the texts deal with some truly tender variations on love themes as well as more jovial ones (“I love B but C loves me and I don’t know what to do, because B loves D who loves C...”), there are others about country kids visiting the big city (Paris) with Medieval versions of the still popular trope.

Pucelete bele et avenant/Je languis des maus/Domino Montpellier Codex, 
Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de médecine,
Triplum: Ryland Angel & Jeffrey Jones-Ragona
Motetus: Cristian Cantu & David Lopez
Tenor: Daniel Johnson & Tim O’Brien

[In order of performance:]
I languish with the pain of love:
I prefer that it kills me rather than any other malady;
Death is so sweet.
Swear to me, sweet beloved, that this sickness of love will not kill me.

A little maid, comely and fair, so pretty, graceful and pleasing,
The charming little one whom I desire so much,
Makes me happy, joyful, light-hearted and loving:
A nightingale singing in May is not so gay.
I will love with my entire heart
My little dark-haired sweetheart joyfully.
Fair sweetheart, you who have so long had my life in your power,
I cry out to you for mercy with a sigh.


Plus bele que flor/Quant revient/L’autrier joer/Flos [Filius Eius] Montpellier Codex, Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de médecine
Quadruplum: Cristian Cantu
Triplum: Ryland Angel
Motetus: Daniel Johnson
Tenor: Tim O’Brien

[In order of performance:]
The other day, I went off along a detour.
I entered an orchard to gather some flowers.
I found a pleasant Lady, of fair mien.
She had a happy heart and sang out with great emotion:
“I have Love! What will I do with it?
It is the end, the end; whatever anyone says, I will love.”

More beautiful than a flower, in my view
Is the one to whom I devote myself.
As long as I exist, in truth,
No one will have the joy nor delight of my love
Except for this flower which is from Paradise:
She is mother to our Lord, who wants forever, friend,
To possess you and the two of us together.

When the return of leaf and flower
Signal the arrival of the summer season,
God, that is when I think of Love,
Who always has been courteous and sweet to me.
Much do I love her solace, for her good will softens my pain.
Much goodness and honor come to me from being in her service.

Flos [Filius Eius]

Guillaume de Machaut, c. 1300–1377

Speaking of the past (and we often are): When I was a sophomore at Texas Tech University, we studied Medieval music as part of our music history classes, and I was lucky enough to have a teacher (Dr. Paul Cutter) who was entranced by early music. After studying about chants and other beguiling repertoire, which was all very interesting and fun, we were introduced to the music of Guillaume de Machaut. He was not only a poet of high regard, but also a composer of both musical miniatures and larger works; for me, this introduction was yet another life-changing experience. The New York Pro Musica Antiqua had recently released their album, Ah Sweet Lady: The Romance of Medieval France, with works by Machaut and others, and it was a great way to introduce us to Machaut. I think that spending so much time with those records as well as singing music by Machaut in the very first Texas Tech University Collegium Musicum concert was when I became hooked on early music. At that time, I didn’t know how long that relationship would last. 

Quant je sui mis au retour Virelai 13, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, fonds français
Tim O’Brien, soloist
Elaine Barber, harp
John Walters, vielle

When I’ve been to see my lady,
I feel neither pain nor sorrow, upon my soul.
God! It’s only right that I should love her, Blamelessly, in true love.

Her beauty, her great sweetness of amorous heat,
Through memory, night and day,
Burns and ignites me.
God! It’s only right that I should love her,
Blamelessly, in true love.

And when her noble worth penetrates my loyal heart,
I wish to serve her without thought of folly or infamy.
God! It’s only right that I should love her,
Blamelessly, in true love.

We will be back in approximately exactly two weeks with a bright, shiny new Taco for you featuring the TEMP women from this very concert!

Don’t forget to get your tickets for Paris City Limits on September 28 and 29!

Also, we’re smack dab in the middle of our Fall Fundraising Campaign. Can you help us reach our goal of $15,000? With a gift of any size, you are helping TEMP remain a leader in preserving and advancing the art of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical music through performance, recordings, and educational outreach. Plus, there’s more musical tacos in it for you! If you can, please make your gift today. And thank you!

Stay safe, stay sane! 


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