TEMP Supporters
Many Thanks To These Donors Who made contributions to TEMP
(From 10-1-2022 through 9-26-2023)
Patron ($5,000+)
Anonymous (1)
Fifth Age of Man Foundation
Texas Commission on the Arts
Anonymous (1)
David & Ellen Berman
Pat Brown: In Memory of Timothy L. Brown
Sue Caldwell: In Memory of Jim Caldwell
Chapin Family Fund
Wanda & Richard Childress
Jill Fatzer
Gary & Kris Godfey
Debra & Eric James
Philip E. Lewis: In Honor of Ryland Angel
Dr. Sarah Manire & Dr. Joseph Rachel Jr.
William D. & Carla Rahn Phillips
Susan Richter & Win Bent
Steve Saunders: via Charles & Betti Saunders Foundation Fund
Chula Sims: In Memory of Tim Brown, & with many happy memories of Brown, Äôs Toy and Hobby Shop
John Tempesta: In Memory of Dr. & Mrs. James E. Tempesta
Tocker Foundation
Anthony & Marcia Toprac: In Honor of Daniel Johnson and Juli Orlandini and In Memory of
Tim Brown
Joe Truchard & Sally Coleman
Allison Welch & Brian Marks
Bev & Derek Wills
Anonymous (7)
Anonymous: In Memory of Jo Anne Christian
Barbara Anderson-Thomas: In Memory of Susan Kerr
Randy Baird & Karen McLinden: In Memory of Tim Brown
Rebecca A. Baltzer
Dr. Leena Batra
Drs. Tim & Sheryl Beach
Wendy & Bob Brockett: In Honor of Daniel Johnson
William & Patsy Buida: In Honor of Paul Twohig
Martha & David Christie
Harvey & Pamela Corn
Cina Crisara
Joan Harmon & David Hume
Dana & Meg Houghton
Eileen Houston
Ann & Hilary Johns
Mary & Brian Lengel
Jack & Terry Lieberknecht
Ivan Milman & Janie Keys: In Honor of Jenifer Thyssen
Rory Motl: In Memory of
Robert Motl
Viktoria & Yakov Nizhnik
Juli Orlandini: In Honor of TEMP’s Staff & Board and In Honor of Daniel Johnson
Rebecca Peppas: In Memory of Lindley Ray
Max & Janet Rice
Elynn Russell
Joe Truchard & Sally Coleman
The Weisberg Family: In Honor of Adrian Weisberg
Joanne Zimmerman
Friend ($200-$499)
Anonymous (5)
Anonymous (aka The Queen of Sheba)
Robert H. Abzug
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Matching Grant
Drs. Tim & Sheryl Beach: In Honor of Douglas Brown
Gary Berrigan
Friend ($200-$499) cont’d
Dawn Burgess
Cristian Cantu: In Honor of Danny Johnson
Heath “Ty Roy” Dill: In Memory of Monika Otter
Gregory C. Eaton
Ray & Anne Ellison
Rick & Barbara Fisher
Lawrence & Helen Foster: In Honor of Wendy Brockett
Gene & Pam Frith: In Memory of Tim Brown
Caroline Frommhold: In Honor of Danny Johnson, whom I've known in the Early Music World for 40 years this month
Kathleen Higgins
Susan Jackson & Jonathan Smith
Daniel Johnson
Robert & Patricia Karli
Evelyn & David Keyes
Jeff Kodosky
Christine Leuck: In Honor of Joel Nesvadba
Linda J. Masters
Yoshimi Masuo
Gitanjali Mathur & Ciji Isen
Michael & Betsey Mulloy
Susan Marie Page
Mary Pendleton-Hoffer
Jack Reeves
Jennifer Reinhardt: In Memory of James Bernard Hendricks
MJ Riedlinger
Sara Schneider: In Honor of the Hallock Family
Annette Stachowitz: In Honor of Bruce Colson
Susan Sutton & David McAuley
Jenifer Thyssen
Jo & Jim Wiginton
Helen & Jerry Young
Fan (to $199)
Anon y Mouse
Anonymous (15)
Anonymous: In Honor of Danny Johnson
Anonymous: In Honor of Virginia Higginbotham
Anonymous: In Memory of John Aielli
Anonymous: In Memory of Tim Lynn Brown
Rob Aanstoos
Robert & Kathleen Achterberg
George Adams
Sue Anderson
Kathryn Arnold
Mary Ashton
Erin Barrett
Joreen Belocura
Mary Bernstein: In Honor of Julie Slim
Rick Bjella: In Honor of Len Bjella
Meredith & Serge Brethé
B. Brotherton & J. Weinstock
Trisha Brubaker
Marjorie Presley Burciaga
Liz Cass
Charles Castle
Guyle & Deborah Cavin
Mary Ceallaigh
Valérie Chaussonnet
Mary Christ: In Honor of Juli Orlandini
Albert Cofrin
Scott Cook & Priscilla Lightsey
Ruth Cross
Nicholas Duguid
Mary Dye
Eugenie Edmonds: In Memory of Nancy Edmonds
David Ermer
Nanci Felice
Donald & Sharon Flournoy
Nancy Fontaine-Cantwell
Michael Follis
Greg Freed
Cheryl Fuller
Cynthia I. Gonzales
John Gragg: In Memory of Tim Lynn Brown
Jenni Griesel
James & Patricia Hadden: In Memory of Klaus Bichteler
Fan (to $199) cont'd
Christine Hallock
Sara Hamilton
Bonnie Harris & Larry Reynolds: In Honor of Noelle Harris
Vincent Hauser
Steve & Angelina Hendricks: In Memory of Tom Zajac
Valerie Horst & Ben Peck
Adrienne Inglis
Deborah Innes: In Honor of Juli Orlandini
Eddie Jennings
Ellen Jockush
Lisa Jones
Dr. Jeffrey Jones-Ragona: In Honor of Wendy Brockett and Danny Johnson
Andrew Kerr: In Memory of Susan Kerr
Brad King
Yvonne Lanelli & Ron Hagquist
Glenn Lewis
Susan Lewkow: In Honor of Juli Orlandini
Barbara Lightheart
Margaret Sharon Lockett
Sharon Lockett
Jennifer Loehlin
Peter Lohman
Tom & Alaire Lowry
Judith Lundin
Caitlin MacRae
Brandy Mann
Ross Martin
Darrel Mayers: In Memory of Kamran Hooshmand
Barry & Susanna McBee
Kirby McDaniel
Becky & Ted Mercado: In Honor of Ed Rodriguez
Lou Mitchell
Suzanne Mitchell & Richard Zansitis
Natalie N. Morgan
Leslie Morris
James & Barbara Nieminen: In Memory of Tim Brown
Joel Nesvadba
John Nikolatos
Beth Niyogi
Susan Norwood
Diane Nousanen
Nicole & Allan Nutt
Marcus Osborn
Jean & Mike Patterson
Adrienne Pedrotti Bingamon
Walton Persons
Beth Pickett
Karen Pope, PhD: In Memory of Tim Lynn Brown
Kent Reilly & Michael Scanlon
D Alex Rendahl
MJ Riedlinger
Jonathan & Kari Riemer
Joel Rinsema: In Honor of Juli Orlandini
Kit Robberson: In Memory of John Aielli
JS Robinson
Elizabeth Salvia
Mario L. Sanchez
Betty B. Sanders
W. Murray Sexton
Elizabeth Skerpan
Paul Kevin Smith & Dino Costa
Linda Snow
Tracy Sole: In Memory of Tim Brown
Lisa Solomon
Monica & Mitch Solomon: In Honor of Ollie Solomon
Megan Spencer
Elizabeth Susser: In Memory of Tim Brown
Dr. Gena & Mr. Ron Tabery
Irene Travis
Sheila Twombley
UKOGF Foundation
William H. Vandersteel
Andrea Ware-Medina
Margaret Weston
The TEMP 2021-2022 Season is also supported by:
TEMP is very proud to be in residence at the Armstrong Community Music School where we offer coaching and instruction in historical performance practice.
Public Funding:
Texas Early Music Project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department and by a grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts.